Gourmet Food


True Honey Teas - Pre-packaged craft teas infused with honey granules. Popular blends include: Lavender lemon, hibiscus lemon, and rooibos.


Nectar of the Vine -Gourmet wine slushy mixes


Are you interested in participating in Vintage Ohio?

Complete and return an application today. You may email it to cjeppe@ohiowines.org or drop it in the mail to Ohio Wine Producers, 1 S Broadway, Geneva, OH 44041.

Artisan/Crafter + Corporate Exhibit + Food TruckGourmet + Tourism/Non Profit + Restaurant

For more information, please contact Chrissy Jeppe at jeppe@ohiowines.org.


Thanks for having us!!  What a great event this year and a great turnout!  Excellent job in planning.   We look forward to attending next year with the cinnamon nuts and kettle corn. Thanks so much. Eric – Buckeye Chocolate

Great show again! Lisa Spadaford - Bullet Jewelry Designs

Had my best year ever this year and I hope the festival remains a 2-day event. Armond Iaboni – Grandma’s Donuts